This is intense obtuse symbolism that will go over the heads of so many people. Even I probably don't understand, because we're almost on the same page.
This is intense obtuse symbolism that will go over the heads of so many people. Even I probably don't understand, because we're almost on the same page.
Some pencil necked geeks just gotta hate on the things you love. Shameful.
He conquered fear and he conquered hate. He turned dark night into day.
Hell yeah.
Glad you like them
After 15 years of not posting in your gallery here you treat people with this gem of a scary fella? Lovely haha. I hope you start posting more again.
Scary fella. You did this traditionally/analogue right?
i unno what those words means but all i know is that i drew them based off demopans trade offer from tf2 lol
Boy!? BOY!? Yesss~
Excellent do more. Like at least 10, with each one having more and more glitches and ominous visuals.
Kinda wish I owned it, so that if I ever had guests over I'd offer this horrifying travesty as an option for people to sit on just to see them react.
A dude. Avatar is deceased singer and founder of GWAR Dave Brockies stage character Oderus Urungus whom I commissioned a drawing of from my friend
Age 28, Male
Headless Corpse
Joined on 6/4/20